2023/07/19 (WED)

EAP2 - セーフィー株式会社からゲストをお招きして特別講義


BBLプログラムでは、学習テーマに関連した学識・実務経験を持つ方をゲストスピーカーとして招聘し、英語でご講義いただいています。今回は、2年次生対象科目であるEAP2(English for Academic Purposes 2)において、クラウド録画サービスの先駆けであり、現在業界をリードしているセーフィー株式会社より、経営管理本部本部長 兼 CFO(最高財務責任者) 古田 哲晴 様、ESG推進室長 中内 陽子 様、ESG推進室スペシャリスト 宇治田 彩 様をお招きし、ゲストレクチャーを実施しました。受講生の一人、国際経営学科2年次生 鈴木 凜さんに、その内容について英語で報告してもらいました。
On 23 June 2023, the EAP2 class of the College of Business (COB) at Rikkyo University welcomed a guest lecture from three representatives of Safie, a platform-based company which provides cloud-based video-recording services to businesses (B2B). The speakers were Mr. Furuta, the Director of Business Administration Division and CFO of Safie, Ms. Nakauchi, General Manager of Corporate ESG Office, and Ms. Ujita, Specialist of Corporate ESG. They shared valuable insights into their company, and explained what it is like to work in, or even found and develop, a startup company.

To begin the presentation, Mr. Furuta explained the background of the company, including examples of customers that are using Safie’s products. He introduced how Safie’s products and services are used in various industries, showing their versatility and the size of their potential market. Subsequently, Ms. Ujita gave more detail regarding one of these business cases to give a concrete illustration of how Safie’s services provide advantages to companies in Japan and the need to address ESG issues. By introducing remote monitoring and analyzing with the AI technology provided by Safie, the case study company was able to attain a more effective working style. Subsequently, Mr. Furuta described the company’s history and how the company has evolved, by emphasizing the importance of finding “Product Market Fit,” which can be achieved by understanding customer needs and providing products that suit those needs. Finally, Mr. Furuta introduced the company’s future vision and explained its strategy to expand globally.

In summary, the session was a fascinating glimpse into life in the start-up sector. During the Q&A session, students asked about B2B business models and marketing, while others asked about threats and opportunities of digital platforms when entering overseas markets. Many students remained behind after the session to speak directly with the guests from Safie, discussing work life in a start-up company. and future opportunities.

Written by Rin Suzuki (2nd year student, Dept of Global Business)

講演終了後ゲストスピーカーの皆様と一緒に (左から 宇治田様、古田様、鈴木さん、中内様)

お使いのブラウザ「Internet Explorer」は閲覧推奨環境ではありません。