Jan 31, 2024

Report on the Rikkyo COB 1-Day Passport 2024


The College of Business’s Business Leadership Program (BLP) provided a trial class experience for high school students through the "Rikkyo COB 1-Day Passport 2024," held on January 26, 2024, at the Rikkyo University Ikebukuro campus. In the program, facilitated by Rikkyo University students as part of their coursework, high school students participated in the "Logical Thinking and Leadership" class, typically taught in the BLP course by Visiting Associate Professor Uda.

The university students meticulously prepared class materials and lesson plans for the event to enhance the high school students’ understanding of logical thinking, which they had been learning through the autumn semester.

A total number of 382 participants, including high school students and high school graduates, participated in the event from across Japan.

Program Summary

Date & Time:                 January 6, 2024 (Sat), 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Location:                       Rikkyo University Ikebukuro Campus
Number of Participants: 382 high school students and high school
                                     graduates (previous year: 362)
●Part 1: -Introduction to Rikkyo COB & Leadership
              -Overview of Rikkyo COB
              -Icebreaker Activities
              -Overview of BLP
              -Setting Leadership Goals
●Part 2: Class Experience
●Part 3: Group Review

Participant Number and Grade Level

Satisfaction Survey Results

Participant Satisfaction

Participant’s answers to questions:

Q1: What is your reason for satisfaction?

・I gained new insights into leadership through the program. The student assistants created a relaxed atmosphere by dancing and doing other activities.  (1st grade, High School)
・The group work helped me develop logical thinking skills, express my opinions confidently, and discover my leadership style. (2nd grade, High School)
・I'm really happy I could participate in such a fun and meaningful activity. It was different from what I had previously thought university studies would be like. I actually experienced learning truly interesting and practical information, which increased my interest in this department! I'm grateful for the new motivation it has given me. (2nd grade, High School)
・I enjoyed this program. Even though I am not good at presenting, the positive feedback I received about my presentation boosted my confidence. I appreciate the opportunity to participate. (2nd grade, High School)
・Although I regret not expressing my opinions proactively, the program helped me identify issues for improvement. Knowing what I need to learn in the COB is essential for deciding my career path. (1st grade, High School)
・Thanks to the university student assistants, I could engage in group work in a less tense atmosphere than expected, gaining a unique learning experience. (2nd grade, High School)
・The program provided valuable insights and was enjoyable. The knowledge I gained was applicable not only in university but also in my future life. (2nd grade, High School)

Q2: How does your image of the COB change?

・Before this program, I considered Business as a more challenging subject. However, group work showed me that the COB offers an attractive environment for interaction with other students. (1st grade, High School)
・Before participating, I thought it would be a lecture-style class experience. However, engaging with many university students in group work changed my perception of the COB. (1st grade, High School)
・My initial impression was that the COB focused solely on business or finance. However, this experience led me to become more interested in the program. (2nd grade, High School)
・Previously, I saw the COB as merely a place to learn business knowledge. However, through today's activities, I realized that using logical thinking to communicate effectively and engage in group activities is also one of the attractions of the COB. (2nd grade, High School)
・The program provided me with a deeper understanding of leadership development, which I knew was a focus of the COB, but experiencing it firsthand truly solidified this concept. (2nd grade, High School)
・Participating in the event removed a sense of insecurity about group work. I enjoyed the program and appreciated having had the valuable opportunity. (3rd grade, High School)

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